Design and construction/reconstruction of Conventional (classic) WWTP
Usually, so called Conventional or classic WWTP for plants >100 000 PE (population equivalent ) or> 20 000 m3/d flow. Word “conventional” does not mean some type of biologic wastewater treatment technology, but usually it means, that WWTP has separately located such technological chains as:
- Mechanical treatment
- Grit separation
- Primary clarification
- Biological treatment (aeration tanks)
- Secondary clarification.
The most important and demanding part of every WWTP is biological treatment. For most conventional WWTP biological treatment (nitrogen removal) can be :
- Pre-anoxic zone denitrification process;
- Step feed denitrification process;
- Simultaneous denitrification process;
We have long term experience of design and construction/reconstruction of various size and type conventional WWTP.
Our company has unique experience of WWTP reconstruction with N and P removal on plants under operation. Every small detail must be checked, planed and controlled very carefully because even small mistake may lead to WWTP operation failure and untreated wastewater will be released into environment.
Our company has reconstructed 8 city municipal operating WWTP without any plant operation failure during construction and start up process.