Designing of water management objects
The company specializes in technological design of water, wastewater and sludge treatment plant.
Biological wastewater treatment processes are calculated according standard ATV-DVWK-A 131E, and also based on knowledge and know-how of UAB «Arginta» professionals.
Most of the projects we design are “Yellow FIDIC” book projects with Process Performance Guarantees and Operational Costs Guarantees. Due to our long term experience and high engineering and academic knowledge of our designers and engineers none of our designed projects exceed declared Operational Costs or did not achieve water treatment efficiency.
For several years our company uses 3D modelling advantages for technology drawing design. The design process is quite simple, the designer in the 3-D dimension adds the prepared “blocks”. All drawing can be exported to 2 D or standard DWG format. The biggest advantages of 3D modelling, comparing with AutoCAD is preciseness and much smaller possibility of mistakes.