Design and construction/reconstruction of wastewater pumping stations
The main problems which shall be solved during designing and construction of wastewater pumping stations, comparing to other type of liquid are:
- Big amount of screening in wastewater;. Depending or requirements PS can be equipped with mechanic rake or other type screens or macerator to prevent clogging of pumps.
- High suspended solids concentration in wastewater. Depending on size of PS inlet tank and minimal and peak flows it may be necessary to install additional mixing system to prevent sedimentation of solids during minimal flows.
- High ammonia concentrations in the surrounded air. It is necessary to ensure protection of concrete structures from possible ammonia impact. All used material and paints shall have high chemical resistance. The proper ventilation shall be ensured.
- Evolved methane gas. Digesting processes are going inside pipelines (especially big length), and there is big possibility for methane production. As methane is heavier than air it accumulates near PS floor. The proper ventilation system, including bottom PS part shall be ensured. In special cases all electric motor and connections shall be EX approved.
- High abrasive features of wastewater (mostly sand). The material of main pipelines (especially turns) and pump shell and impeller shall be abrasive resistant.
- Bad odor removal requirements. It is recommended to design and install air outlet treatment filter, with prevents bad odor. Usually biofilter is proper technical solution.
- Flooding risk. If necessary PS shall have overflow system, which will protect form flooding. Depending on design parameters wastewater PS is equipped with wet or dry installation pumps, however even for dry installation we use IP67 class pumps to prevent pump failure in case of flooding.
We have long term experience of design and construction/reconstruction of various size and type water and wastewater pumping stations, starting from prefabricated fiberglass or PE wastewater pumping stations, to main city wastewater PS, up to 5000 m³/h liquid flow.
One of the most important part of pumping station is proper control system with all necessary process instrumentation like flowmeters, level sensors, pressure sensors and etc. PS pumps work is controlled by automation system, specially designed algorithm ensures the smooth working of the whole pumping station operating mode. Pumps with installed power more than 4 kW usually are provided with frequency converters